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  • Matilda Swan

Getting Ready for a Sweet Summer

Jewel Leroy (10), Kikkan Brine (10), and Cordelia Freeland (10), splash in the water at Lake Wenatchee. Photo Credit: Avery Houghton (10)

With the ‘23-’24 school year coming to a close, students and staff are getting ready to take out their sunscreen and dust off their floaties. During all this ruckus, people start to wonder how do I have a fun summer? You need to know how to stay safe from the sun, plan a good summer and most importantly have fun. 

Protect yourselves from the sun 

 In these hot summer months, it is very important to stay safe from the sun. Protection is simple: wear sunscreen. Sunscreen can scatter UV rays off your skin. Sunscreens that scatter UV light often contain titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. Recommended SPF is 30 or higher. “I wear sunscreen, so I don't look like a lobster after being in the sun for a long time,” said Audrey Slatta (9). 

Another option is to stay in the shade. Sit under an umbrella or a tree and wear a hat and sunglasses to protect yourself from getting burned.  Wearing protective clothing can be helpful as well, When the UV level is 3 or higher it is important to protect your skin as much as possible; a light layer of cloth can be very helpful. Drink a lot of water. If sunny days are also hot and humid, be hydrated to stay cool. Dehydration is dangerous, and thirst is not a good indicator of dehydration.  

Make plans 

“My plans are usually all over the place, but I definitely have to go to the beach a couple of times, and hopefully this year I can go to Hawaii,” said Mylee Hobbs (10).

 Whether it is with friends, family or just for fun, make some fun plans for your summer. Look for fun activities to do with your friends or plan a beach vacation with your family, but don't forget to book early. Summer is often peak vacation time. “My plans are usually all over the place, but I definitely have to go to the beach a couple of times, and hopefully this year I can go to Hawaii,” said Mylee Hobbs (10). If you book early, you can get ahead of the summer rush before prices rise. Make a vacation bucket list of all the fun activities you would like to do and interesting places you would like to see. Once you have everything down, you can start looking into specific activities. This does not just have to be for your vacation either; it could be for your whole summer. 

Stay connected with friends and family  

The summer is a great time to strengthen bonds between your family and friends. Try and get together when you can. You can plan BBQs, host movie nights or take part in game nights. You could go camping or on an outing. Some ideas are to go to the beach or pool or enjoy a bike ride or hike. Make lasting memories that you can look back on. 

Now that you are prepared for summer, the most important thing is to have fun. Once you have created your summer bucket list, grab your bathing suit and sunscreen; it is time to execute your summer plan. Have fun and be brave. Some of the best memories are made when pushing out of your comfort zone with your friends and family.  

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