When doing a college tour, look up colleges you are interested in and make a list of the ones you want to visit. Many college websites have information on specific requirements or regulation processes, so it is important to read over them before traveling to the colleges.
Once you have the list ready, find the tour schedules and make sure you will be available on time. If possible, visit several colleges in one trip.
Reaching out to the college admissions office to confirm the tours' availability can be very convenient, especially if you have questions. “If there's a special department you want to go in or if there's something you want to go in they will probably take you there but for the most part they do have the places that they want to take you, because those are either the highlights of the campus or places where you'd spend a lot of time,” explained Amy Rieke CHS College and Career Counselor.
Besides asking questions about the tour, ask the tour guides specific questions you would like to know about the colleges: whether that be dorms, class schedules, rules, etc.
When doing tours, you will be on your feet a lot, so make sure you have comfortable shoes and clothes on. Taking notes and pictures of the tour can also be helpful to look back and reflect. Take notes of your impressions, campus facilities and other details that are important to you, especially when comparing different colleges.
After the tour, take time to explore on your own. Good spots to visit are the library, student center and other areas that interest you or catch your eye. Even talking to students attending the college can be helpful to get their perspective on campus life, academics, and any extracurricular activities.
Once you have visited all your colleges of interest, take time to reflect on your experiences and compare all the colleges. This can help you make an informed decision on whether the college is the right fit for you.