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How to follow through with new year's resolutions

Cora Landgraf

Image credit: Cora Landgraf (10). 
Image credit: Cora Landgraf (10). 

Have you ever made a resolution and immediately forgotten about it or gave up on it because it seemed too overwhelming? This can leave you feeling unaccomplished or with low self-esteem. Although following through with resolutions can seem unmanageable at first, following the four steps listed below can help you achieve your 2025 goal. 

1. First, focus on one goal at a time. It can be easy to want to make so many changes to your life all at once, but concentrating on too many goals can cause stress and anxiety. One goal at a time can improve motivation and help you stay on track. This doesn’t mean that you can’t go back to other goals once you have finished your first resolution. 

2.Make sure your resolution is specific and achievable. If you come up with a goal that seems overwhelming and hard to achieve, don’t give up on it yet. Breaking down your resolution into smaller parts that will help you achieve your overall resolution is much more attainable.  For example, if your resolution is to travel to Bali, your first step could be to save a certain amount of money each month to set aside for your exciting trip. 

 “It's good to make your goals achievable and specific because you’ll be able to get it done, versus if you do a large goal in a short amount of time you may not achieve it," stated Elliana Thomas (9. 

3.Track the progress of your resolution. It can be easy to make a resolution and forget about it shortly after. You can keep a journal or document online and write down your daily, weekly, or monthly progress depending on what your goal is. If you think you will forget about the document or journal, it may help to find close friends or family members to help hold you accountable for your resolutions.  

 For Claire Henscheid (12) following through with her goals and tracking them has helped significantly with consistency.  “I need to be very consistent and have a better work schedule, so that I can get everything turned in and do well," said Henscheid. 

4.Be flexible with your resolution. If you're rigid about your resolution, it can cause stress and an unhealthy mindset about what you can and can’t achieve. If your resolution or goal gets off track for a little while, your resolution is not over or ruined. You can still accomplish your goals. 

 “Expectations can drive performance, but can also cause burnout, "stated Dr. Charles R. Chaffin in Psychology Today. You can still have expectations for yourself, just make sure they are reasonable and flexible. 

 Following these four steps are crucial in helping you build healthy habits and consistency in order to achieve your resolution. Resolutions may seem overwhelming to follow through with at first but tracking your goals and breaking them down into smaller, simplified parts can help you feel confident in meeting your 2025 resolution. 


The Kodiak Chronicle

The Student News Site of Cascade High School

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