One way to get the best start is to create habits that will help students have success throughout the school year.
The school year has started, meaning students should be set up for success for the rest of the year. One way to get the best start is to create habits that will help students have success throughout the school year.
The first step is to make sure you're set up with all the right supplies for your classes. This first step will help you get prepared in advance so that throughout the year you are always ready for whatever comes to you in your classes.
The next way students can set up for success is to create the habit of waking up on time and getting things done in the morning. This also can include making a good morning routine to get a good start to each morning. “I wake up and I don't get on my phone right away so I can get out of bed and pick out my outfit and eat breakfast because I feel like eating breakfast makes me happier throughout the day,” said Claire Henscheid (12). It can be hard to wake up on time in the morning, so if you have trouble getting up on time, set multiple alarms. Once you're out of bed, creating a morning routine for yourself can help you start the day productively. This can include taking a shower, making breakfast, or maybe finishing up some homework and creating a daily routine. Once you can create habits forming a routine, you will feel more productive before school, leading to a more productive mindset during the day.
Another way to stay successful throughout the year is to stay organized with classes and things you must do. “The way I stay organized is I always set reminders on my phone for things I need to do and I always tell my mom things I need to do so when I get home, she firmly reminds me of things I have to do,” explained Ben Jerome (12). You can do things as simple as a to-do list or a planner to keep tasks organized and be able to check things off as you go. As well as keeping your schoolwork organized to keep track of your work. You can use folders or binders to keep any paperwork organized. Along with that, you should also keep track of papers you need and don't need to free space in your backpack and your mind.
Lastly, one of the things to make sure you get a good start is not to fall behind in your classes. Stay up to date on all your work, even the little assignments, because even those small points can greatly affect your grades at the start of the year. Procrastination can become a habit especially when developed at the beginning of the year and it can lead to you getting very behind in your classes. Regarding that, make sure to always stay on top of your work. And yes, sometimes motivation for schoolwork is hard to grasp, so you can create study habits to help motivate yourself and stay focused such as setting goals or listening to music.