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How to Keep a New Year's Resolution


Amaya Blue (9) and Adan Vargas (9) pose around new year's resolutions their friends have chosen for the new year. Photo credit: Vanessa Ibarra-Onate

As we enter the new year many decide to leave bad habits behind. Leaving these bad habits behind means creating new goals for the year. New Years resolutions start from trying to go to the gym every day to being more productive throughout the day. Creating a new year's resolution is the easiest part, committing to the resolutions is the real struggle. People create a resolution without much consideration for what goes into accomplishing the resolutions. There's a small process to make your resolution a part of your everyday routine. To create a resolution, you must think about what you need to work on. Looking back at how the following year went helps you recognize areas that need work. Creating a list is a good way to start, you could possibly make multiple new year's resolutions.  

Julia Pizzorno (11) shares her productive resolutions for the new year: “Two resolutions that are important to me are, first being happy and having good people around me.  And the second one is having a healthy life and making my parents proud of me and my life. For me this is important to accomplish my goals, because I want to have a good life full of success and be able to get into my dream career.” 

Having a strong commitment towards your new year’s resolution is very important, the thought of achieving your resolution should motivate you. As you work with your resolution you may find habits you have to adjust, maybe the resolution doesn’t fit in with your schedule or you don't like the way it fits with your daily routine. Feeling comfortable with your resolution helps you stay committed, it should feel comfortable; something natural. One way to maintain motivation is to create a vison board on Pinterest or   physical board to keep around your room, this motivates you to put full focus on your resolution.  

Adan Vargas (9) expresses his goal for 2024: “My new year's resolution is to get better grades how I'm going to archive that is by trying to get more involved in my work.”  

Sharing your resolution with others helps you accomplish it since others may ask how it's going, or you may have just motivated them to join you on the resolution. If you ever get setback from your goal, you shouldn't abandon it. That’s why you must keep an open mind for any bumps that may come along with your resolution. Giving yourself pep talks can be a helpful strategy as well. 

Sonia Martinez (9) describes her beauty resolution: “My new year's resolution is to stop buying lip-glosses, yesterday I cleaned my makeup pouch, and I realized that I have so many. I’ll achieve it by buying other things that's not lip-gloss.” 

Starting off with a simple resolution may be best to start off the year, if you did well with your resolution you may want to challenge yourself more and create a more advanced resolution. It's also important to give yourself credit for your success, it's challenging to even start a resolution. Give yourself a pat on the back for trying to better yourself, and if your resolution isn't a success there is always a next year. If you do have a new year's resolution you may want to consider these tips.  

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