As winter sports come to an end, spring athletes are starting to defrost and preparing for spring sports. Spring sports at Cascade High School include track and field, boys' soccer, tennis, golf, softball, and baseball. To get athletes thinking about the possible sport opportunities, coaches are hosting meetings to inform students about schedules and other important information. March 3rd is when spring sports officially start. On March 7, the spring sports assembly will be presenting captains for the teams and get students excited to support these CHS athletes.
For athletes to have a good season they must prepare themselves, whether it's preparing their physical state, their mental state, or simply getting excited to start the season. Coaches are putting on indoor practices for athletes, indoor soccer for boys has been practicing for a month and half. Coaches also encourage athletes to follow their requests on how to prepare for their season. Soccer players are also advised to keep playing and to stay in shape. Track and field athletes are encouraged to sprint three times a week. It is recommended that golf players play a lot on their own time and stay fit in preparation for the walking they will do in season.
One way athletes should be preparing for spring sports is by getting into good physical condition. Good ways for athletes to get into good physical condition are going on runs or creating practice routines to go with their chosen sport. Athletes might consider creating a schedule for their practices and sticking to it.
“Every sports season people often get hurt and sore because they’re not used to it since they start going in one hundred percent. My advice would be to get started before the season starts, slowly do your exercises. Get your activity level started before the season, stretching and letting your body wind down,” said Betz.
Health and Sports Med teacher Mr. Betz gives spring sport athletes some words of advice for their upcoming season: “Every sports season people often get hurt and sore because they’re not used to it since they start going in one hundred percent. My advice would be to get started before the season starts, slowly do your exercises. Get your activity level started before the season, stretching and letting your body wind down,” said Betz.
Preparing for spring sports isn't all about physical state, athletes may also want to consider their mental state. Sports tend to bring a lot of emotions, especially stress, for students who balance games, practices, schoolwork, and possibly work. Students may tend to feel overwhelmed with all the responsibilities they have during this time. It's very important for athletes to maintain good grades, if athletes are failing a class, they will not be able to participate in games. It may be helpful to make a routine to stay on track of schoolwork, creating a calendar filled with games and practices along with scheduled tests or schoolwork. This strategy helps to create a structured plan for balancing athletics and school. It's also important to keep in mind time for ones self, everyone needs time to relax at least once a week. Great athletes need time to de-stress, taking care of their headspace makes a big difference in performance.
Student athlete Adi Castaneda (11) voices her method for preparing for the season: “I prepare for spring sports or any sport by mentally relaxing during the two-week period. I feel like taking a break is always really nice, I'm a three-sport athlete so when it comes to that break, I'm really enjoying it.”
It's very important for athletes to prepare before the season and take into consideration maintaining a balance of sports and outside life. Athletes have three months full of dedication towards their sport, including possible time they might take for preparation. It's also thoughtful for other students to support Cascade’s spring sport athletes; athletes put a lot of their time and hard work into their sport. Make sure to join CHS athletes and show Kodiak spirit at their games, cheer them on through their season.