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  • Writer's pictureAlaina Wall

How to Set and Achieve Goals

Updated: May 9, 2023

A helpful planner for important notes, to-do lists, and goal setting.

Human life is precious because there is an end to all living things. There is a limited amount of time on earth, and people have a hard time deciding how to spend it. The things we do matter, even if it’s something we think is trivial. Setting goals can be challenging, and many people have doubts about accomplishing them. When in reality, they can use it to try something new or maintain a new lifestyle. Various people have their way of organizing their diverse types of goals. Whether that is improving on academics, mental health, physical health, or personal projects.


Most students often dread doing their homework or assignments and end up procrastinating on work until the day the assignments are due. The hardest part of doing some homework is starting, due to the unknown of the problems, it’s more likely to distract themselves to avoid the responsibility of the assigned homework. Instead, the day the homework is assigned, do not immediately start it, even if you are a procrastinator. Review the homework and take a good five to ten minutes to read the equations or description of what to do. If nothing makes sense when done reviewing the homework, it’s a good sign to review the subject or reread the book over again while having the homework next to the source. Usually, smaller homework problems take around 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes. When writing down in a planner or on a designated paper that says, “To-Do List” when the time is free to do homework, don’t put “I will do *insert homework name here* on Tuesday the 8th.” Be detailed and split up the work to finish it before the due date. An example would be “On Tuesday the 8th I will do questions 1 through 20 from Algebra 1. On Wednesday the 9th I will do questions 21 through 45 from Algebra 1.” Find a place that is most comfortable but is productive at the same time. Listen to some music or podcast that doesn’t involve active listening to it. During your homework, allow yourself a ten-minute break every thirty minutes, and the cycle will repeat until the assignment is complete. When the homework is done reward yourself with something to finish off the day and cross off the to-do list.


  • Take five to ten minutes to review the homework.

  • If you still don't understand the topic after reviewing the homework, reread or seek help.

  • Schedule a time when you will do the split homework, be specific and detailed.

  • Find a quiet place with no distractions.

  • Put on some music, podcast, or candle.

  • Every thirty minutes of work, have a ten-minute break in-between each season.

  • When you have finished all the assignments that you need to do, then reward yourself.

Physical Health

Exercise can help to accomplish a variety of goals: being healthier, losing weight, maintaining a good lifestyle, wanting to be in a sport or competition, etc. Achieving a large physical health goal can only be accomplished by setting and working towards mini-goals. First, before organizing and setting goals, do some self-reflection on why you want to do it in the first place. Research what kind of training is most effective for building a specific part of the body. Then after doing the correct research, start planning types of exercises. First, it should be small and slowly intensifying to make sure to not overstress the body and cause burnout. Break down how much training you would achieve daily or weekly. For example, “Every other day, I will jog for 30 minutes, then after a 10-minute break, I will stretch for 5 minutes. Then after my dinner, I will do some slow cardio to work on my lower body strength.” To help regulate this lifestyle, keep a planner or a checklist to record the times spent on exercising. To make it more fun or easier to exercise, find a friend or family member to work out with. Pick out specific areas of your house, an outside park, or the gym to be your workout area. After completing each mini-goal, have a reward system by spending time with friends, going to a movie, going hiking, etc.


  • Research what type of exercise you need to take to complete your desired goal.

  • Keep a planner.

  • Schedule a realistic time frame and specific exercises.

  • Give yourself short breaks when you need to.

  • Monitor the time recorded and reflect on what to improve in.

  • Reward yourself.

Mental Health

It is easy to overlook mental health and few people set goals specific to mental health; however, these kinds of goals are perhaps the most important goals of all. Without solid mental health, it is difficult to achieve any other goals in life. There are many ways to improve mental health. Some people need to work out, others organize, meditate, bake, listen to music, hang out with friends, read a book, take a bath, etc. Spend time carefully considering what would be best for YOUR mental health. The brain and stress are tricky and complex – mental health problems aren’t something that can be solved by one article. It’s important to do research and find different solutions to a specific problem. The ideas below can help with a basic problem of stress.


  • Get help either from the people you trust or professionals that can aid to heal or help with your mental health.

  • Listen to some music that helps ease into the process.

  • Prioritize time for your mental health.

  • During that time frame, do 30 minutes of what you love the most.

  • You might consider 10 minutes of stretching

  • You might consider 30 minutes of reflecting on what is causing stress

  • You might consider 30 minutes of problem-solving, either by getting help from someone who’s a professional or slowly chipping away from stress with the help of a loved one.

With each goal, it's important to understand that not all goals are accomplished or meant to be made. Goals are supposed to be realistic and customized to fit everyone. Remember that it’s not the end of the world if you didn’t get the results you wanted, what matters most is that you keep on trying, either by finding a different way or keeping ongoing.

What goals are you trying to accomplish in 2022 and how are you going to achieve them? Leave a comment below.

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