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A Break in the Eyes of a Kodiak

Arlo Gibbs

William Beibeshiemer (12) captures the beautiful sunset in Mexico at one of the cruise ship’s stops on his vacation.
William Beibeshiemer (12) captures the beautiful sunset in Mexico at one of the cruise ship’s stops on his vacation.

Winter Break an the annual two-week break taking place in December and spanning the holiday season. Students are rewarded for their hard work throughout the semester with a break from their classes as they prepare for the final push of first semester. 

This year's winter break kicked off on December 17 and school resumed on January 7. Many students took advantage of the weeks off to visit family, relax, celebrate the holidays, and take a well-earned vacation.  

Marshet Redman (12) took the time off to vacation in Honolulu, Hawaii. “We stayed in a nice condo, and I really liked the weather and the scenery. The water was warm and so nice to swim in,” explained Redman. “It was crazy, you could never tell that it was winter here.” 

“We were on a boat in the middle of the ocean, no phone, no internet, just you and whoever you go with. I loved the break from the social aspect and pressure that comes with phones, it was very refreshing,” stated Beibeshiemer.

Another student, Wiliam Beibeshiemer (12) took a cruise to Mexico. “We were on a boat in the middle of the ocean, no phone, no internet, just you and whoever you go with. I loved the break from the social aspect and pressure that comes with phones, it was very refreshing,” stated Beibeshiemer. “I had such a great time, sipping [virgin] pina coladas on the top deck, listening to the beach music and just enjoying my time.” 

While some students took trips, others enjoyed their time off from the comfort of their own homes. Spending the time with family, celebrating the holidays, and earning some money while they had their days off. Indica Mendoza (11) was one of these students. “I spent most of my time working, and when I wasn’t working, I took care of my dog and baked cookies for my friends and family. On Christmas Eve, we spent it at my house with my grandpa and aunt, and on Christmas day we went to my aunt's house and spent it with my grandma,” described Mendoza. 

Milo Gibbs (9) took a different approach to the break, taking the time to enjoy his pastimes. “Over the break, I went skiing as much as possible. I tried to take advantage of the time off as much as I could to go skiing and learn new tricks. I spent most of my time up at Stevens Pass with my friends.” Gibbs elaborated, “I also spent time with my family to celebrate the holidays. I had a really fun Christmas at my grandma's house with my cousins, aunts and uncles.” 

Whether it was spent at home or on vacation, all students were grateful for the time off. As the break came to an end, students started to get back into the scholarly mindset and prepare themselves for the ensuing finals week. 


The Kodiak Chronicle

The Student News Site of Cascade High School

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