The first tennis home match of the season was a success. On March 9th., Cascade beat Ephrata six to four. The match opened with Jasper Bard (12) reading the details of the match. While the people who were playing met each other. The singles games were played first, followed by doubles.
“I play tennis because I think it’s a fun sport and it’s welcoming to beginners, to get better and to play as many varsity matches as coach will let me,” said Gretchen Leach (10).
The boys' varsity doubles teams won all their games, dominating the match. Jonas Johnson (11) played number three singles and number two doubles. “I won my first set six to one and my second set six to zero. The first set was fun because I won a set then he won a set, and I came back and won the rest,” said Johnson.
The girls' varsity played very well but ended up losing one to four. Grace Mcdevitt (11) played number two singles.
The tennis match ended with JV games. Paige Runions (11) and Gretchen Leach (10) played doubles together on JV. “I play tennis because I think it’s a fun sport and it’s welcoming to beginners, to get better and to play as many varsity matches as coach will let me,” said Leach.
“The tennis season is off and running. It is the first year in many that the team did not start the season with snow shovels in their hands. Both teams are looking strong and playing well. The boys' team has five solid players and has their hopes set on winning league and districts. Charlie Lyons, Jasper Bard, Blue Knutson are all four-year seniors and round out the top spots. Jonas Johnson and Caden Peterson are juniors and are doing great as well. They are very flexible and can play either singles or doubles. We have not fielded a full-strength team yet so that is the recent challenge for Coach Hassinger. The girls' side only has a few seniors in Cassidy Gillespie, Fabiola Torres and Breanna Loomis. We begin league play today (3/26) against Chelan. The Chelan match always seems to be a tough one for us, but we will definitely fight hard,” said Mark Hassinger, CHS tennis coach.
The tennis meet had its ups and downs, but it was overall good for the team. Both those that won and those who did not learned more about their strengths and weaknesses and what to focus on in practice.