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Cascade Kodiak’s Art Show

Writer: Avery HoughtonAvery Houghton

Kodiaks show of their photography and light painting skills. Cascade High School students' is being featured at Leavenworth Library and City Hall. Photo credit: Avery Houghton

Cascade Kodiak artists have been featured in the local Public Library and City Hall for an art show. The art show features everything from oil pastel drawings to photography and light painting. The Kodiak’s art show has been up from January 2nd to the 19th. A local art show is a great way for people in the Leavenworth community to see what CHS artists have to offer. The Kodiaks who participated include Noah Copson, Ethan Flansburg, Gene Witt, Amaya Blue, Alessandra Guerrero, Camila Ramirez, Ryan Denega, Brennen Wilks, Olaf Saugen, Hannah Henson, Carter Bruce, Nayeli Madrigal-Williams, Arlo Gibbs, Saul Hernandez Lopez, Xander Stein Trujillo, Aliya Coronado, Rivers Wylie, Trail Heyl, Aengus Gillikin, and JP Gil Garcia. They are showcasing Cascade High School art talent. 

“Seeing art in real life is such an important part of appreciation and sensory exploration," said Ms. Dillon.

Cascade High School art teacher Mrs. Dillon said, “Seeing art in real life is such an important part of appreciation and sensory exploration. We see so much on flat screens in RGB color and usually pretty small. Seeing actual textures, walking around the art, and interacting with it is a completely different experience. This is great for students, community members, and people of all ages to enjoy. This is why the library is great, everyone has access and there is a variety of people who visit. When people say that we need to focus on Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic, I love to say... If we didn't have the Arts we wouldn't have anything to read and write about. Any opportunity for our community, or tourists, to see what our local artists are creating is a glimpse into the minds of our younger generation. Sharing what we are doing is essential to a rich, collaborative, healthy community.” It’s important for the Leavenworth community to see the art our school is producing. Art can bse used to showcase emotions and enact societal change. 

 Olaf Saugen, a participant featured in the show, said, “I drew a bird for the art show; it took a lot of different colors to make it look the way I wanted. I enjoyed participating in the art show.”  

Art shows are important for the community to hear the voices of student artists. It also gives students a wider reach and authentic audience.  


The Kodiak Chronicle

The Student News Site of Cascade High School

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