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  • Vanessa Ibarra

CHS Celebrates Mothers Day

Junior Marlays Fonseca poses with a smile along with the origami box she created at the Flex Fun craft fair hosted by Leadership. Photo Credit: Vanessa Ibarra

During May, as the warm weather starts to peak, sons and daughters everywhere are also preparing for Mother's Day. While many celebrated Mother's Day on Sunday, May 12, in Mexican tradition this holiday was celebrated on Friday, May 10th. Mother's Day is a day dedicated to all the hard-working mothers; it is a day where offspring appreciate all the love our moms have given since birth. People often celebrate with dinners, gifts, cookouts, and spending quality time with their mothers and loved ones. How did this holiday of celebrating motherhood come to be?  


Mother's Day came to be in 1900, when Anna Jarvis, an American social activist, wanted the holiday to be a day where Americans honor the sacrifices mothers have made for their children.  The first Mothers' Day was a memorial service for her mother. Since then, people worldwide have celebrated Mother's Day to express their appreciation.  

During the first week of May, CHS students had a chance to create a Mother's Day craft during flex. The craft fair, a part of Leadership’s Flex Fun series, featured origami, paper flowers, bookmarks, sugar scrub, and cards. Students went from class to class doing different crafts. The classrooms had a display of the craft and instructions on board and Leadership students on hand to help.  Many students gathered to create the crafts.  

“I was helping teaching people how to build little paper boxes, I did it because it was a fun activity and people can just make easy gifts for their mom,” said Leadership student Georgia Holm (9). 

Another CHS project that coincided nicely with Mother’s Day was the first-ever Plant Sale.  Mr. Connor’s Plants Science class had been working hard in the greenhouse growing various plants for this sale.  The sale was on Friday May 10th 3-4 for CHS and 4-6 for the public and featured hanging plants, matured plants, plants in baskets, and vegetables. These plants made great Mother's Day gifts. “It was good. We sold, cucumbers, tomatoes, chives, zucchini, we made over two thousand dollars and like fifteen hundred dollars in profit,” said Gavin Haiduc (10) a Plant Science student at CHS. 

Mother's Day is not all about gifts though, Mother's Day is a day where children show appreciation for all the work mothers do. While it is important to show appreciation every day, Mother’s Day is the perfect time to overdo it. 

For Mother’s Day this year, Mariamne Fonseca (11) "[Went] to church and had dinner together to celebrate my mother, we also got her a cake.”  

Others did not celebrate Mother's Day on Sunday; they celebrated on Friday, Mexican Mother's Day. For Mexican Mother's Day it’s often a tradition that the family gathers for a cookout to celebrate all the moms within the family. Some may also celebrate Mother's Day on Friday and Sunday.  

“When I got home from school, I helped organize for the family celebration we were going to have, we got a cake for my mom, and I gave her flowers and jewelry my sister sent,” said student Adan Vargas (9). 

“When I got home from school, I helped organize for the family celebration we were going to have, we got a cake for my mom, and I gave her flowers and jewelry my sister sent,” said student Adan Vargas (9). 

Everyone celebrates Mother's Day in their own way, whether it is something small or not. It is important to show appreciation for the mother figure in your life every day; their hard work should never be overlooked.  

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