To get in the holiday spirit Cascade High School (CHS) had a spirit week the last week before winter break. Spirit week is a themed week that happens throughout the school year, often around holidays, big games or school dances.
“The purpose of this spirit week was to raise everyone’s spirits around the holidays, bring Kodiaks together in a variety of holiday celebrations, and continue to create positive, community-focused culture at Cascade,” said Leadership teacher Ms. Robison.
CHS has a school year long competition between the classes, this competition is based on the school spirit/ participation each class shows through spirit weeks and assembly games. Spirit week has dress themes along with activities during flex or throughout the day.
Gretchen Leach (11) explains her thoughts on spirit week: “I think this year that we are doing layered spirit days [and] it's more fun. Not everyone can dress up and sometimes people don't want to. It makes school a lot more fun, the days this week are really cool.”
Starting the week cozy for the cold day, Monday the theme was Warm Welcome. Students dressed in comfy clothes which consisted of hoodies, pjs – many of them Christmas themed, and blankets. To add to the cozy mood, there was a self-serve cider and tea station in the library all day. Also, during lunch there was a showing of Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas in the cafeteria.
Tuesday was Ugly Sweater Bash Day, students and especially staff went all out. Staff brought out their competitive side, on the Leadership Instagram there was an online competition for the ugliest sweater. Students and community members voted for “Who Wore it Ugliest?” The tie between winners – Ms. Robison and Mr. Stubblefield – was broken during the Winter Wishes event on Friday. Stubblefield claimed the ultimate victory. During Flex there was a student competition, to see what advisory could decorate the most sugar cookies. Kodiak Culinary made cookies and students gathered in the cafeteria to decorate. There was a visit from the Grinch during lunch, there was a station where students could take pictures with the Grinch.
Wednesday was themed Marshmallow Slopes. Student wore snowpants, ski goggles, beanies, etc. Lunch was busy on Wednesday: teachers were reading Christmas stories in the lunchroom and in the foyer each graduating class had their own hot cocoa table where students who had a mug had the chance to drink hot cocoa.
Thursday was dubbed New Year, New Me. Students wore anything glitter or sparkles to bring on the new year vibes. Flex was full of anxious students looking for ornaments and stars around the school. Finding ornaments gave them a chance to be in a raffle for gifts cards and, if students found stars, they automatically received a prize. During lunch, in keeping with the New Year’s theme, students wrote resolutions.
Xiodali Solis (11) was the winner for the twenty-five-dollar McDonalds gift card. “I like the holiday hunts because they are fun. I found some ornaments on walls and under posters on the wall,” said Solis.
Friday was a half day full of excitement. The theme was Home Alone and students were encouraged to wear red sweaters and trench coats. To start the day, the Kodiak mascot, clad in a Santa hat, gave out high fives at the entrance and throughout the building. During second period, Mr. Haberberger’s culinary class made pancakes for the whole school. The kitchens were full of students making trays of warm pancakes. While in the foyer culinary students Jackson Feeney and Greatchen Leach severed pancakes. Students entered the lunchroom where the toppings were, students also got seated preparing for the exciting Winter Wishes event. Earlier this month, students filled out a survey indicating one wish they’d like to make for themselves and one wish they would like to make for another person.
Max Speigel (11) had two wishes granted: one he wished for and the other wish came from his friend Junior Oropeza. “I asked for Legos because I like Legos, I got a panda Lego set. Junior also got me hot cocoa,” explained Speigel. During the event, students cheered on those who went on stage to receive their wishes.
Although the majority of wishes were granted at the event on Friday, Winter Wishes were handed out throughout the week; in total there were fifty-four wishes granted.
CHS ended the month and year in a fun manner; spirit week really got students in a jolly mood right before the holidays. Students now get two weeks off school; as they come back, they will be getting ready to end the first semester.