Many people think after high school the next logical step is college. For some it is, but for others it is not. There are many other possibilities besides college that are often overlooked. It is a common idea the words “post-high-school-education" are synonymous, but there are many alternative opportunities that could work better for different students. The most important part of choosing is being well-educated on the matter and knowing the different possibilities. Mr. Sunitch and Ms. Rieke are two sources of knowledge at Cascade High School who are always willing to answer any questions about this matter.
“When finding a career,It is important to look at your strengths, skills and hobbies and see what there is available for you,”said Mr. Sunitsch.
Becoming an apprentice or getting an internship is a very achievable and smart way to enter a career. The difference between the two are that internships are more frequently shorter and unpaid, while apprenticeships are always paid and can be one to four years long. Each will give the participant a taste of a certain field they might be interested in and give them a good head start in the industry. It is a way to make connections with others within business as well. “It is important for kids to get out and experience different opportunities and work environments; Internships are a great way to go,” said Mr. Sunitch the Career and Technical ETucation advisor at Cascade.
Certifications and trade schools are another possibility. Not only are associated jobs in high demand and offer job security but they pay well too. According to, the average electrician salary in the state of Washington is $89,500; average Washington state lineman salary, $87,430; average Washington state elevator technician, $86,837. These are all jobs that do not require a 4-year degree. These programs are not meant for anyone but sometimes they are not as well advertised as the common four-year colleges.
One of the benefits to a certification or trade school is financial. College costs a lot of money and it can take time to find a good job and start making enough money to pay off student loans. “These careers have a quick turnaround, not only are you not going into debt but are making a fair amount of money right off the bat,” said Career Counselor Ms. Reike. “When finding a career, It is important to look at your strengths, skills and hobbies and see what there is available for you,” said Mr. Sunitsch.
There are other post-high-school opportunities offered through serving the community and the world. Some people want experience and desire to learn in other ways than trades and schools. The first option that might come to mind is the military, there are many possibilities, schooling and experience opportunities will await an enlisted member of the military. Local military recruiters have a lot of information regarding the armed forces. Another option might be study abroad programs or service missions. These offer participants the ability to experience other cultures, service and people. These experiences may not lead as directly to a career path as others, but they provide very valuable skills and experiences to benefit in other aspects of life.