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  • Miles Porter

Earth Day

People of the greater Leavenworth community gather around to celebrate the wonderful earth humans live on. Photo credit: Miles Porter.

The Leavenworth Earth Day Fair, held in Enchantment Park on Sunday the 21st of April, brought people from near and far to the event. Waste Loop, a nonprofit with a mission “to inspire the transformation of local waste streams into sustainable resources in the greater Leavenworth area,” put on the Fair, consisting of live music, food, local vendors, educational booths, and activities for all ages. 

All the people and organizations who participated in the fair inspired people to live more sustainable lives. The CHS Environmental Sustainability Group (ESG) had a face painting booth with nearly all the members attending. “The Sustainability Club painted faces on a hundred kids, putting a smile on everyone's face,” said Caroline Menna (11).  

And in the laughter of children with painted faces and conversation between friends old and new, it was clear that the spirit of community and sustainability was alive and thriving in Leavenworth. 

Chumlilies, a band from Leavenworth, was playing music, as well as The Carlile Family Band and Global Heat. There were many educational booths hosted by organizations like the Wenatchee River Institute, Leavenworth Library, and Tiera Learning Center. They were all focused on trying to make Leavenworth a more sustainable place and educating people on more sustainable practices and ways of life. 

“At the Earth Fair, I was educated about how some of Leavenworth's local businesses are becoming more sustainable in their actions,” said attendee Cordelia Freeland (10). Other members of the ESG at Cascade High School had similar takeaways from the fair. 

The fair provided a platform for local businesses and artisans who use sustainable practices to display their products and initiatives. By supporting these businesses, attendees reinforced the importance of sustainable consumption and production practices. At the fair, the trash and recycling were appropriately disposed of, showing tourists and locals alike how they can be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. It also instilled healthy habits for the younger generation that attended the fair. 

Perhaps the biggest impact of the fair is the connections forged between the people of the Leavenworth community. Volunteers worked tirelessly behind the scenes, helping set up, clean up, and manage all the moving pieces. And in the laughter of children with painted faces and conversation between friends old and new, it was clear that the spirit of community and sustainability was alive and thriving in Leavenworth. 

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