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Jocelyn Olguin

Yasmin Torres

Photo courtesy of Parsons Photography

Jocelyn Olguin (12) is the ASB vice-president for the class of 2025 at the Cascade High School, a member of the varsity Cheerleading team, a conscientious student in class, a role model for other students at the high school, and an advocate who makes sure everyone is heard. 

Known to all as Olguin, a K-12 student at the Cascade School District, she has become a diligent student of the CHS class of 2025 and has become a leader to students. She is a person who is regularly sought out for help or guidance.  

“Jocelyn has personally helped me in becoming more outgoing and helped me get out of my shell. She is an example of being a true leader by being the Vice President for our senior class and letting everyone's voice be heard,” said Maralys Fonseca (12). Olguin is an example of someone to “look up to” as she is a genuine and drama-free person. 

“Jocelyn’s involvement has positively impacted the team. Not only is she helpful with learning new cheers and teaching them, overall, she has had an immense impact on all the girls,”

 This school year is Olguin’s senior year, meaning it is her last year of cheerleading, a sport that she has participated in for two years. It was a year full of excitement and fun memories for everyone who participated in football cheerleading, full of emotions of tough losses and great wins.  The last home game was dedicated to the seniors for their last time cheering at the field on their apple box. It was an emotional game with a tough loss but Jocelyn was happy that it was spent with people she has been with since kindergarten. She is always available to help her teammates. “Jocelyn’s involvement has positively impacted the team. Not only is she helpful with learning new cheers and teaching them, overall, she has had an immense impact on all the girls,” said Sofia Oropeza (12). 

Olguin's involvement in the community came mostly from school-related events, enjoying greeting people at both football and basketball games. She knows she is making a positive impact on the little girls who are looking to be cheerleaders and showing them that anyone can be one. “When helping at concessions, I love seeing familiar faces throughout the school and Leavenworth as a whole because of ASB and extracurriculars,” said Olguin. 

Jocelyn’s character impacts others by pushing them to step out of their comfort zone. “I remember my freshman year in ASB Leadership, I was shy and did not have confidence in myself and my work. Now four years later, I love encouraging my peers to rip off the band aid and put themselves out there. I am proud to teach them my skills and knowledge whether it’s about technology, high school, or cheer to build up their confidence,” said Olguin. 

“I am so proud of Jocelyn,” said Ms. Robison, her Leadership teacher.  “Even as a quiet freshmen, she was an excellent leader who led by example through her diligent work and attention to detail.  As a senior, she ran for office – and won – and is doing a great job of helping to support her senior class through managing their communication, organizing events and raising funds.  They are lucky to have her.” 

For the last four years, Olguin has developed into a very conscientious student who is helpful to others. This is going to open a lot of doors for her as she begins her life beyond the walls of CHS. Because of her hard work and leadership, Jocelyn will have a wide selection of colleges to choose from, which will be yet another challenge that Jocelyn will confidently tackle.  


The Kodiak Chronicle

The Student News Site of Cascade High School

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