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Second Semester Events

Writer's picture: Gwen PehowskiGwen Pehowski

Updated: May 9, 2023

The Kodiak Character program will continue into second semester with recognition of students who demonstrate confidence, responsibility, creativity, and curiosity. (Design credit: Jackson Groby)

As the second semester approaches, many new activities and events are coming up involving clubs, sports, and whole school activities.

Kodiak Character Program

Each month at Cascade marks the start of a new exploration of a character trait of a stellar student. Traits for second semester will be confidence in February, responsibility in March, creativity in April, and curiosity in May. Students who exemplify this characteristic for the month will be recognized by CHS staff and win an award given by the CHS Leadership class. One nominated student will be chosen by the Leavenworth Rotary Club to win the grand prize. “Out of all the character traits, I’m most looking forward to responsibility,” claimed Mrs. Bibby.

Flex Fun

In addition to celebrating Kodiak Character, each month Leadership puts on a Flex Fun event. These events are meant to reward students who are doing well in classes and be, well, fun. So far this year, Flex Fun has included an RC car race, pumpkin carving, a trivia competition, sugar cookie decorating, and a yoga session. Second semester, the fun will continue. The first Flex Fun event of the semester will be on February 14 and involve Valentine’s Day themed minute-to-win-it games.

Flex Fun for the Month of March will be a March-Madness style 3 v 3 basketball tournament. Some students and teachers have already been recruiting their teams. “I’m really excited to play the teachers because it's really fun,” stated Jaxson Groby (10), a player on the CHS basketball team.

Then, in April, a scavenger hunt will be put on for Flex fun. During May Leadership will put on a craft fair and the final Flex Fun of the year will revolve around ultimate frisbee.

Flex: 30min Continues & Senior Success Lessons Start

The final Monday of each month, the 30min program will continue. Upperclassmen will mentor freshmen in the areas of goal setting, kindness, class registration, what to do over the summer, and year-end celebrations.

A new program will also be rolling out with the start of the semester: Senior Success. This program will provide all seniors with information specifically geared towards preparing seniors for their futures. Topics for second semester will include scholarships, getting a “real-world” job, avoiding senioritis, the high school and beyond plan, and more.

Winter Sports End & Spring Sports Start

Winter sports, including basketball and wrestling, will continue into the second semester. On February 2nd both junior and varsity boys' basketball will have a game at Quincy High School. On February 4 both girls' and boys' varsity wrestling teams will have matches at Quincy High School. There will also be more games and matches following to wrap up the season for winter sports. Spring sports, including softball, baseball, track, boys' soccer, and tennis, will start in March. “I’m really looking forward to being with friends and getting active again,” said Jewel Leroy (9) who is planning on running for the CHS track team.

Senior Celebrations

Seniors and staff are already excited to celebrate all of the many accomplishments of the class of 2023. Some events planned for seniors include a CHS celebration of National Declaration Day which will take place on May 1. “It is a national celebration where it’s the deadline for seniors to pick their colleges and make their final decision, we also celebrate seniors who choose to go into the work force or military – really all of the positive choices that CHS seniors are making. It's really fun to celebrate all the work seniors have put into the futures they are now choosing for themselves,” stated Mrs. Robinson. This event will include a special lunch served by CHS administration.

The biggest senior celebration of all, graduation, is planned for June 10.

Year-End Awards Assembly

Kodiaks can also look forward to the all-school awards assembly taking place on June 2. This assembly revolves around celebrating all the successes CHS has had throughout the year. Sports programs are recognized, students with perfect attendance are honored, academic successes are celebrated, extra-curricular programs are touted, and the coveted Heart of the Kodiak award is bestowed. Seniors are be given the opportunity to give “Senior Wisdom” speeches and to request for their “Senior Wishes” to be granted. Farewell speeches will be given for any staff members who are retiring or moving on.


The Kodiak Chronicle

The Student News Site of Cascade High School

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