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  • Audrey Slatta

Senior Parking Spots

Grant Burhill (9) works to paint an example of a painted parking spot to give inspiration to upcoming seniors that may want to paint a parking spot for the 2024-2025 school year. Photo credit: Audrey Slatta

Not only will this activity allow seniors to express creativity and have the feel that they “own” a part of the school, but the money students spend to purchase these parking spaces will be used for senior events, like the 2025 senior trip.   

This upcoming school year, Cascade High School is allowing the senior class of 2025 to purchase and paint a parking spot. This will allow seniors to express a sense of pride and ownership at Cascade. Students can paint any creative design they want, avoiding offensive language, pictures, symbols, rude language, and gang-style tagging. The class of 2025 states that “funds will be used for senior activities. This fundraising opportunity will benefit many students and provide convenience not previously afforded.” Not only will this activity allow seniors to express creativity and have the feel that they “own” a part of the school, but the money students spend to purchase these parking spaces will be used for senior events, like the 2025 senior trip.   

To get a parking space, CHS students graduating in 2025 will submit a drawn proposal of their parking spot design before June 7th. After submitting, Principal Joya and Vice Principal Bibby will review it. Variation from the approved design proposal will warrant surrender of reserved space for the school year and forfeiture of the fee. Once students have a design, there will be a painting day with Mr. Swanson, Mrs. Bibby, and student leadership where all students who purchased a parking space will be able to paint their spot. The painting is currently planned to be on August 20th, but due to the weather and other events, this date could change.  

In past years, several ASB leadership students have thought of this idea of a Senior Parking Spot Painting Fundraiser, but their attempts to make it happen didn’t succeed. The idea came up again in Leadership class this year and, students were finally able to make this dream a reality.  

“Based off the previous leadership students' ideas, I mentioned the idea and Ethan Davis (11) really just made it happen,” said Leadership teacher, Ms. Robison. Ethan, along with the help of other Leadership students, Jaxon Groby (11) and Grant Burhill (9), wrote up a convincing proposal, got it approved, and started working on an example parking spot to make this fundraiser happen and succeed. Their fast, hard work will surely pay off when the 2025 senior class will not only have fun and creative parking spots, but also money for their senior activities.  

After their proposal got approved, Ethan, Jaxon, Grant, and other ASB leadership students decided to make an example parking space, so that they understood the process and as a tangible example for the 2025 senior class. They painted this spot for the principal, Mr. Joya, and they made sure the painted parking space met all the guidelines, such as staying in the length of the white painted parking lines, using the right types of paint, and other necessary guidelines that will ensure the parking spot painting goes as planned. The spot was gifted to Joya as part of Principal Appreciation Day. 

CHS is looking forward to seeing this fundraiser in action next year, and if you are interested in purchasing a parking space to paint and reserve for yourself, pick up a form in the main office. All payments and proposals are due to Ms. Osborn no later than June 7. 

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