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  • Audrey Slatta

Spring Sports to State

Track captain William Beibesheimer blasts off from his blocks as the first leg of the boys four by one relay as his teammate, Quinten Koch keeps his blocks in place. Photo credit: Mylee Hobbs

These past few weeks have been filled with excitement and hard work as CHS student-athletes finish up their spring seasons and many headed to state competitions. 

Soccer had an impressive season. The Cascade boys' soccer team had 19 wins, just 2 losses and 1 tie. They are the 2024 CTL champs, are ranked number one in 1A WIAA power rankings, and are runner-up District Champions. These accomplishments got them to state. At state, the boys played their hardest and overtook Vashon Island to get them third place in state.  

At state, the boys played their hardest and overtook Vashon Island to get them third place in state.  

“The way they never gave up was a highlight of the game. It's a long game and they kept attacking and persevered,” said Principal Joya after watching the game.  

These boys have been working hard on and off season. This season was especially important to Cascade’s seniors.  

“The season meant a lot to me; it was my last year. I’ve been working hard for four years now. The last couple seasons we could've done really well but couldn’t get it done. It was nice to make it to the final 4 and make it further than any team has before,” said Ryan Denega (12).  The work has paid off, earning them a great spot in state, and an awesome season overall.  

Bryan Songer (12) reports his favorite part of the season was “The practices, playing with my friends and the team, and overall having fun.”  

Track also had a very successful season. The track team started with 64 athletes and 15 of them attended the state championship in Yakima. Out of all of Cascade’s track athletes who made it to State, Ezra Week (10) was the only athlete who placed; Ezra took 8th place in long jump.  Cascade had a girls 4x200, girls 4x100, and boys 4x100 who attended state as well as a few athletes competing in their personal events. The girls’ track team placed in the Caribou Trail League.

“I don't know if kids performed as well as they had liked to, but we gained invaluable experience. It's hard to get to State so just going there is a nice accomplishment,” stated head track coach Mr. Haberberger.  

The Cascade Tennis team had a great season too, with over half of their varsity team attending State: Seniors Jasper Bard (12), Blue Knutson (12), Charlie Lyons (12), Caden Peterson (11) and Junior Jonas Johnson (11).   

“All [these boys] had stellar, winning records,” said coach Mark Hassinger. All of these athletes prepared for state by playing out-of-season at the Wenatchee Raquet Club. Their extra play helped them to “take their play to a new level,” said Hassinger. Although tennis didn’t bring home any state titles, Hassinger suggested that fans keep their eyes out for Peterson and Johnson, saying that they are the “ones to watch next year.” 

For golf, one athlete made it to State: senior Rayen Blue.  Although Rayen didn’t place at state this year, she had an impressive performance at the CTL Golf Championships at Omak High School and making it to State is impressive as it is. Rayen had a successful senior season and she should be proud. 

Although not making it to state this year, Cascade Baseball was proud of their season.  They had a record of four wins and fifteen losses. An important achievement for the Cascade Baseball team was their win against Omak High School on Tuesday, April 23rd. This game was important, as it was the Cascade Baseball team's first league win since 2021.

Along with new players, Cascade Baseball also has a new head coach, Erik Widner.

“He’s just super supportive towards us and super enthusiastic in helping us move to become a better team,” said Teddy Everson (10). The team attributes many of their wins to Widner. This season has been the best season for Cascade in a couple of years, and even though the baseball team didn’t make it to state, they should still be proud of their performance this year.  

Another team that worked hard this year was the Girls Cascade softball team. Many things were new and different for the softball team. There is a new coach, Lauren Hecker, who worked hard to give the girls the best season possible. Lauren was also the assistant coach for the girls' basketball team and wanted to continue to uplift girls' sports at Cascade. Returning players reported new positions and players on the team.

“I’m proud that I got to finish the season strong and be able to get my 4-year letter,” said Natalie Sanchez (12). The season ended with zero wins and sixteen losses. Hopefully after getting used to the new positions, players, and coach, the softball team will come back next year better than ever.

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