The classic story of a young girl named Clara’s nutcracker gifted to her by her godfather, Drossel Meyer, coming to life to fight in a battle against rats and to show Clara around the Kingdom of Sweets was recently brought to life in the small Bavarian-themed town of Leavenworth. Edelweiss Dance Academy's ballet of the Nutcracker is a tradition for many local families.
Many dancers that participate in the Nutcracker have been practicing since September. A lot of hard work and dedication is put in by all the dancers and most look forward to it every year. “The Nutcracker is important to me because it’s the thing that we work up to all year long,” said dancer Rhetta Cummings (12).
In the Edelweiss Dance Academy's production of the Nutcracker, the ballet begins with a party at the house of Clara and Fritz. The audience sees the mother, played by Cascade High School student Mia Shons (10) laughing and dancing alongside other partygoers and toys. “As I've gotten older, I get to see like the little kids do the same things that I did when I was little, so that’s really special to me,” explained Shons. During the party, gifts from godfather dance for the guests. Coal Fiano (10) danced as the Soldier Doll. Fiano put on a stern face to stun the crowd.
After the party, everyone is sent home, and Clara sets out to find her Nutcracker. Soon after finding him falling asleep, she wakes up with rats all around her. After an epic battle between the Nutcracker and the rats, Clara is brought to the Land of Sweets on a boat through being guided by a bluebird through a snowstorm. Mary Ising (12), who danced as the blue bird, gracefully leads the boat to the Land of Sweets.
Soon after Mary finished her solo, the snowflakes took the stage, led by the snow queen. Georgia Holm (9) had the honor of wearing the crown this year. Smooth sailing turns into a blizzard with twirling snowflakes and flying poofs. As the snowstorm levels out, a quick intermission is taken.
During the second half, many friends of the Nutcracker are noticed during a story telling scene. The Sugar Plum Fairy, played by Ellie Holm (12), introduces dancers such as the Coffee, danced by Ingrid Stockman (9) as well as the Hot Chocolate, danced by Rhetta Cummings. “For me performing, I don’t get nervous anymore, it’s the same as performing in the studio, only there's an audience,” described Stockman.
Through the second half, many dancers perform in front of the Nutcracker and Clara to show their appreciation for her saving his life. The audience saw the Reed Flute Dancers, Marzipan, Hot Chocolate, Trepak, Gingerbread, Coffee, Tea and the Sugar Plum Fairy. After all the dancers had performed, they came together for a big goodbye where they danced in unison and bowed to their royalty.
As the curtains close on the closing night of the Leavenworth Nutcracker dancers and audience members share many emotions; this was the last Nutcracker for many on stage.
Seniors, Rhetta Cummings, Ellie Holm and Mary Ising danced the Nutcracker for their last time for Edelweiss Dance Academy. An exchange of flowers, cards, and a sentimental group hug with choreographer and instructor Briar Hoper brought a close to the evening. “This has been a really long tradition and it's my favorite community of people, and I get to do it with all my friends,” exclaimed Ellie.