In November, the weather starts to get colder, snow is forecasted, a long season of fall sports ends, and winters sports practices get started. The winter sports pep assembly showcased all the fall sports award winners. There were awards for every fall sports team; however, the cross-country team was the dominant winner with thirteen all-league commendations; a coach of the year, Dayle Massey; two runners of the year, Caroline Menna (11) and Brayden Anderson (12); and a league championship. The girls' soccer team also had a notable showing with their making it to the quarter finals in the 1A division and winning multiple awards.
The winter dance was announced, and the court winners from each grade were crowned with cowboy hats. To kick off the winter sports, two seniors representing each of the winter sports teams were challenged in a game against the other sport representatives. Each grade battled each other for the title of this year's winter sports pep assembly champion, with grade cheers and challenges.
After Mr. Barnes announced awards for fall sports, big news of the winter dance, in January, was announced with comedic videos of all members of the court of the court showing off their “cowboy skills”. They each attempted to square dance, lasso a wooden horse, and demonstrated their “horse”-riding skills. Each member of the winter court was crowned by a teacher of their choosing with cowboy hats as a nod to the dance theme: Cowboy Boots and Daisy Dukes. “I thought it went pretty good, like the whole little cowboy theme, I thought it was nice, I like the crowning,” said Monique Copado (11).
Two of the seniors of each winter sports team came up and represented their sport as they were challenged with games. The duos also competed in a game that involved getting as many balls in a basket as possible without letting a ballon hit the ground. All of the athletes represented their respective teams well; but in the end the wrestlers took home the win for this game.
Not only did the teams play, but members of each grade participated in a challenge as well. A notable game was the gutter ball. This was where the players have some cut up pieces of PVC piping where they place a ping pong ball in the tubes and raced in relay fashion from the baseline to half court without it hitting the ground. The seniors won the with a demanding lead.
“The most memorable part [of the assembly] was probably the hands and feet thing, the hands and feet hopscotch,” said Sally Fortney (9).
During this game, ASB reps from each grade level raced down the gym floor in a game that mixed elements of hopscotch with twister. All of the ASB reps gave a good effort, but in the end, the freshmen took the win for this game.
Executive members of ASB participated in a canned food stacking contest after being introduced by FBLA vice-president Breanna Loomis (12). Scott Lindsey was on a roll for much of the competition, but his tower got too high and collapsed. Kikkan Brine took the win in the final seconds.
The assembly ended with the cheerleaders teaching R-O-W-D-Y in preparation for the winter sports season and the grades competing to see who participated the most and cheered the loudest. To everyone’s surprise, the seniors came in second and the freshmen handily took first.
With time winding down, Mr. Barnes announced the winners of this year's winter pep assembly and allowed them to exit the gym first. The freshmen took first place, the seniors took second and the sophomores and juniors took fourth and third. The pep assembly helped the entire student body to be excited for the upcoming winter sports season and thinking about who they will be asking to the winter dance.