The one and only Jackson Feeney (12), a.k.a. Ja, is graduating this year. Although it’s going to be sad to watch the star football and basketball player leave, CHS students and staff are excited to see where his future takes him.
During the fall, Jackson played football for Cascade High school, as a receiver, then during the winter he played on the varsity basketball team and during spring he plans to run track and field.
“In basketball he’s always going to work and giving it his 110% he loves the game and his shoes even more,” said William Biebsheimer (12).
Jackson’s teammates and coaches have developed friendships and connections with him due to his hard work ethic, commitment and leadership. “I played football, because my brother was doing it and I thought I’d give it a try, and a bunch of friends played. I’ve been playing basketball for years and it has been my original sport. For track, I just did it because everyone else was doing it, and it looked fun,” explained Feeney. Even though Ja plays sports, that’s not all he is involved in, he is also in the CHS band, Publications team and so much more.
As Jackson’s high school years are almost to an end, he gets to look back at all the memories he’s made throughout the last four years of high school. “I remember when Toner (graduated CHS student) jumped off the main stairs and broke a table, or Po Po John he’d go up at every dance and rap, and I have the videos from every time that was really fun,” said Feeney (12).
He has also made many connections and relationships, between friends, his girlfriend and teachers. “Jackson is a great kid to work with, he’s very responsible, creative and comes up with interesting ways to solve complicated problems. He also thinks outside of the box which is great in Publications, because it helps us get creative and new ideas, it’s always a pleasure to teach Jackson,” explained Ms. Robinson CHS English and Publications teacher.
This is just one of the many teachers Jackson has a connection with others including Mr. Fraker, Mr. Hab, Mr. Bard (etc.). High school has brought a lot of things to Jackson but, he has also brought so much to Cascade. “He always has a good attitude, and he’ll make sure you’re good at all times, he’s a genuine guy and he’ll tell you if you’re doing something wrong,” said William Biebsheimer (12).
“He took all the punches for me early, so I learned things quicker and grew up faster, and it helped me go and progress through early life. He was helpful, whatever he learned I learned because I saw him do it,” stated Julian Feeney (10).
Along with friendships and bonds with peers and teachers, Ja also has a younger brother who attends CHS. Julian Feeney (10) is Jackson’s younger brother, and as brothers they do a lot of the same sports and have a great brother bond. “He took all the punches for me early, so I learned things quicker and grew up faster, and it helped me go and progress through early life. He was helpful, whatever he learned I learned because I saw him do it,” stated Julian Feeney (10). The Feeney brothers have a great bond inside and outside of school.
Jackson is a unique person especially when it comes to fashion. Feeney is not afraid to dress up and is often wearing bright colors that make him stand out. The biggest thing Jackson takes pride in when it comes to fashion is his shoes. Jackson has a large collection of nice basketball shoes, and or nice shoes that aren’t used on the court. “He is completely willing to be himself no matter what people think of him, and that’s a cool trait to have. He’s unique in almost everything he does as far as his interests, and especially with his fashion,” said Ms. Robinson.
Not only is his fashion unique but his genuine personality is as well, and everyone around Ja gets to experience his radiant personality. “He acts like an old person, he says old people things and he has the heart of a 75-year-old man,” explained Julian Feeney (10). Jackson’s unique style and personality is truly what makes him, him.
As Jackson gets ready to walk the stage in June, he will be missed in the halls, in class and on the court and field. Jackson couldn’t have gotten to where he is without the people who surround him, his confidence, determination and dedication. “I would say the teachers in general but, in my perspective, Ms. Robinson has helped me out a lot with using journalism and going into the career because of Publications,” explained Jackson.
Ja’s interest in journalism has blossomed from Publications class to what he wants to do outside of high school, and he’s always been good at it. Feeney’s social skills have helped him with connections but also with his future career, he’s always willing to step out of his comfort zone and have a conversation with anyone, which is important in Journalism. “I want to go into Journalism, I want to talk to people and hear different stories, preferably something to do with sports. I want to go to San Diego State and if not that then Washington State University,” explained Feeney.
Coming soon Jackson will be off to college to chase his dreams and become the best version of himself, although he is leaving the high school, all his teachers, peers, friends and coaches are proud of him for becoming who he is today and can’t wait to see what Jackson’s future has in store for him.