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Jaxson Groby

Arlo Gibbs

Jaxson Groby is an incredible human who showcases the values of CHS and the students within it. Groby is a multi-sport athlete, ASB officer, aspiring fire fighter, and an outstanding student overall. Jaxson is a celebrated figure for underclassmen to look up to and an inspiration to all around him. 

Jaxson is well known as an athlete at Cascade. Obtaining varsity letters in football, basketball, and soccer. He is a leader on and off the field and an outstanding athlete. Jaxson helped lead the Kodiaks boys' soccer team to their history-making 3rd place finish at the 1A State Competition in 2024 playing wherever the team needed him as a goal scorer up top and a rock-solid defender in the back. Jaxson is invaluable to every team as a player, leader, and through of his first-class attitude and personality. 

Outside of sports, Jaxson is well known and respected as a student and friend to many. “He (Jaxson) is very hard working, and he is always very nice, and he is overall a very positive person,” stated Matilda Swan (10). Jax always brings his positive attitude and bubbly personality with him cheering up students and teachers alike. “Jax is amazing and makes me a happy and positive person,” Swan elaborates. Whether it's starting up chants at sports games, making new friends, or just making people feel welcome at CHS, Jaxson is the best in the business. 

“I see his leadership everyday, and he is always upbeat and showing people what it means to be a Kodiak.” 

Jaxson is actively participating within the fire station. He jumpstarted his journey through CHS’s fire science class, and volunteering to gain hours upon hours of experience. Often staying up all night waiting on calls and putting himself in dangers way for the Leavenworth community. Jaxson participated in the CHS Fire Science program and has gone above and beyond gaining experience and making his dream of becoming a firefighter a reality. 

Jaxson is heavily involved in the school; he is very influential in ASB as the elected executive secretary. Jax is always helping raise school spirit, acting as the school mascot at football and soccer games, being involved in clubs such as Interact, and Sports Med, as well as gaining over 250 hours of community service in his four years of high school. “Jaxson has taken many of my classes,  being in my flex,  taking health, and sports med I and II,” said Health teacher Jonathan Betz. “I see his leadership everyday, and he is always upbeat and showing people what it means to be a Kodiak.” 

Student, athlete, leader, friend, and an amazing person, Jaxson Groby has a positive impact on all around him and makes CHS a better place for everyone. 


The Kodiak Chronicle

The Student News Site of Cascade High School

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