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SITS Ethan Flansburg

Ami Coronado

Photo courtesy of Parson Photography

Executive President of Associated Student Body (ASB), varsity starting offensive and defensive lineman for Cascade Football, varsity tennis, hardworking student with credits from AP bio, calculus, and EWU English, part-time worker, loving person, gamer, and the oldest of three siblings: senior Ethan Flansburg is one of the most hardworking, diligent, and charismatic students in Cascade High School (CHS). 

Flansburg was born and raised in Leavenworth and has been involved with the Cascade School District since he was in kindergarten.  Flansburg has played American football since elementary school with friends like Will Biebesheimer (12) and Marshet Redman (12). Flansburg continuously played football all through elementary, middle, and high school, except his freshman year which he regrets. Football plays a huge role in his family: his uncle Domique Coffin and his grandpa Charlie Coffin “Coffin Senior” both played as high schoolers and served kids in the Leavenworth community as coaches. Charlie Coffin still comes to the games and gives his grandson tips and tricks to help him succeed.  Flansburg attributes the development of his ability to work on a team and extroverted nature, helping to secure him the role of ASB president, to football.  After playing football for four years as a Kodiak, the value of “dependability is something that I have learned,” said Flansburg. “On the field I must depend on the lineman next to me to block and the quarterback and receivers to gain the yards.” He takes this value off the field as well, applying it to all aspects of his life. With his classmates, he displays this value by doing what is expected of him to complete the given assignment and more to help out others. 

Flansburg has many accomplishments, one that many people are very familiar with is his role as ASB president. In his first three years at the high school, he was not in ASB, so becoming president was a big decision for him. Despite his inexperience, he has already helped to make the 2024-2025 school year unforgettable. He is most notable for when he ends the announcements with a daily joke and a laugh. While being president has its positives, like the power to evoke change at CHS, the hardest part is getting his team of executives to get things done. He plans on getting his executive members to be more on track with projects and getting things done for the school.  “Ethan is an excellent leader,” said leadership teacher Ms. Robison.  “He is personable and kind, which makes him approachable; he’s responsible and hardworking, which makes him dependable; he’s intelligent and a critical thinker, which makes him invaluable at enacting policies and procedures that help CHS to run more smoothly.  He is building on what Lindsay started last year and helping to get ASB back on track and better than ever.” 

Flansburg explained his growth throughout high school using words such as “drive”, “self-standard”, and “commitment”. He holds himself to a high standard due to the competitiveness of the class of 2025. He works harder to be smarter, which plays into his drive, and he commits to everything one hundred percent. Flansburg plans on taking the next step in life with college. He has broken his top three colleges into three categories: safety, reach, and target. For Flansburg, a safety school is Cal Poly; his reach school is the University of Washington, and his target school is Princeton.  

“He’s very passionate and involved in various things he cares about. I think he’ll go on to do engineering in college and pursue that as a career,” said his close friend Caden Peterson (12). With his passion and drive to achieve he will most certainly end up wherever he chooses. 

 The classes that he takes reflect his dedication to achieving the goals he has set for himself. He has taken almost every college-in-the-high-school course, including the infamous University of Washington Pre-Calculus, Calculus one and Eastern Washington University English III, that Cascade offers while maintaining a high GPA. 

 “He is good at keeping the mood up and being cheery,” said English teacher Ms. Rosenfield. 

In school he is a hard-working individual and a good person to have around, “He is good at keeping the mood up and being cheery,” said English teacher Ms. Rosenfield. Even if he is having a bad day CHS students can count on him to uplift the spirits of the people surrounding him.  

He does this not just in school and sports, he also does this in the clubs he participates in. He participates in TSA, Sustainability, Knowledge Bowl and Interact clubs. In some of these clubs he is not only a member, but also the secretary of the TSA and the Treasurer of Sustainability.  

In addition to clubs, Flansburg has a part time job at Whistlepunk Ice Cream Company. He had always wanted to work at Whistlepunk ever since he could work. He tried multiple times to apply by turning in his resume but did not get a response. Finally, Flansburg texted the owner and was able to set up an interview. Thanks to his hard work and persistence, he has been able to work there since the 2023-2024 school year. 

Flansburg has a multitude of skills. One of his unknown skills is his tennis game. Flansburg is approaching his fourth year with Cascade varsity tennis. In addition to tennis and football, Flansburg is a gamer.   

He especially enjoys in first-person shooter (FPS) games like Call of Duty. His online gamer tag “Alpinez” was conjured when he was in the third grade.  While playing a Kahoot he dubbed himself “Sunshine Alpine” and he enjoyed the name so much that he uses it to this day. Many of his friends call him Alpinini after a random six-year-old misread his name when he was playing a squad fill in Fortnite. To this day, his favorite game of all time is Pokémon Omega Ruby specifically on the 3DS. 

Many see Flansburg as a gentle giant. His interest in plants and gardening as well as his loving characteristics play well into that title. “I don’t think anyone would really know that I am really into like plants and gardening. I love gardening I think it is kind of fun,” said Flansburg.  

Another small hobby of Flansburg is his sneaker collection. His prized pair of sneakers is his UNC Air Jordan 4s with a light blue colorway. “Jordan 4’s are the best, but they are expensive,” said Flansburg.  

Flansburg lives by the idiom “Treat other how you would want to be treated.” He believes it is really important for people to be nice to each other. Flansburg likes to show his love towards people and his family. He shows love to his favorite people by sending them gifts and spontaneous texts about how grateful he for thier presence in his life. Flansburg has a huge family with his siblings Amara (11) and Nieko (9). Every four years, the family has reunions that consist of over 200 people to meet in places like, most recently, Florida. “I love family reunions. There is a lot of food, a lot of friends, and a lot of activities. It is honestly my favorite part of my year,” said Flansburg. He explains that his outgoing personality, talking and connecting with people, was cultivated by his mom and his personal life was influenced by his dad through philosophies and being realistic. 

Ethan Flansburg is a hardworking and caring student who has grown exponentially through high school.  


The Kodiak Chronicle

The Student News Site of Cascade High School

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