Multipotentiality is an educational and psychological term referring to the ability and preference of a person, particularly one of strong intellectual or artistic curiosity, to excel in two or more different fields. Isabel Menna, a senior at Cascade High School is the definition of multipotentiality. Not only is she graduating CHS with a 4.0 and on track for class valedictorian, but Isabel also excels in many other fields. In addition to being fluent in French, the Editor-in-Chief of the school yearbook, and a captain of the Cascade High School Knowledge Bowl team, Menna also competed on the junior national team for cross country skiing in 2022 and 2023 and placed first in the American Scholastic Press Association’s national competition for her work on an investigative journalism piece about water in the Leavenworth valley.
“I love her goofy personality and her infectious laugh. I'm really excited to see where Izzy goes in the future because I know that she’ll excel in college. I'm really glad I met her, and I can't imagine my life without Izzy,” recounts Rhetta Cummings (12).
After graduating from Cascade High School, Menna is going to take a gap year, during her year, Isabel will travel to a Norwegian Folk school. A Folk school is a school that provides skill-based learning for a variety of hands-on skills and physical activities. After her year in Norway, Isabel will attend Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.
“She’s one of the most inspiring people I've ever met. The amount of effort she puts into pushing herself in all aspects of her life is unmatched, you can't help but do the same around her."
“She’s one of the most inspiring people I've ever met. The amount of effort she puts into pushing herself in all aspects of her life is unmatched, you can't help but do the same around her. We’ve been friends since elementary school; I'm excited to see her travel the world and experience life. I can’t imagine my life without her,” confides Ellie Holm (12).
Isabel Menna was born in Newhaven, Connecticut. She moved to Leavenworth in fourth grade and has been a steadfast part of the community ever since. Not only does she excel in sports and extracurricular activities, but Isabel is also an instrumental part of Leavenworth and of many people's high school memories. Isabel’s determination and ambition is something that has made her the person she is today and is one of the reasons she will continue to impact people's lives after she leaves to explore a life beyond Leavenworth.
“She's dependable to produce and finish her work at a high quality. She’s one of the few people who understands what it takes to make the yearbook and newspaper happen from behind the scenes. I also really appreciate that she’s competitive in the same way that I am. She understands what it takes to win and she's not afraid to put in the effort. As an editor she helps run the program and she helps students learn graphic design, writing, marketing and editing. Isabel operates at a high level of achievement, which inspires the entire Publications team to operate at that level too. Because of her and other editors, the CHS Publications team can boast three years of being recognized at the state and national level for both their newspaper and yearbook,” said Ms. Robison CHS Publications advisor.
Isabel has been an incredible friend, sister and confidant here at CHS. She has touched the hearts of many people in Leavewnorth and will continue to do so on her journey to explore life outside the confines of the ever-growing town she calls home.