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  • Mylee Hobbs

Student in the Spotlight: Karlyn Kocher

Courtey of Parson's Photography

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the one and only Karlyn Kocher (12). Karlyn Kocher is strong, impactful, athletic and so much more. Kocher is involved in many sports such as, varsity soccer, wrestling and varsity softball, she also goes and helps at a variety of events through the Lake Wenatchee Recreation Club. The impact of Karlyn’s commitment to sports, kind heart, and amazing personality will be sorely missed at Cascade when she walks across the stage next week. 

Karlyn was celebrated at three senior nights this year for her involvement in sports. She took the field playing the positions of wing and forward for soccer. Her last soccer season might not have ended with a win but, the girls’ soccer team had an amazing season until they finally met their match and couldn’t continue anymore.  

Outside of the field, she also slammed people on the mat. Karlyn was a varsity wrestler who went to state her junior year and supported her teammates this year at state.  

After wrestling was over, she ran the bases around the softball field. Kocher is strongly committed to softball, as she can play almost any position but mostly catcher for the varsity team. “I’m going to miss wrestling and softball,” claimed Karlyn Kocher. With all her involvement throughout sports she has impacted many lives of underclassmen, teammates and coaches.  

In addition to leaving behind a sports legacy, Karlyn will leave her peers, teachers and friends with good memories and permanent smiles. One of Karlyn’s best friends is Mya Herrera (12). Mya and Karlyn participated in both soccer and wrestling together and have made may unforgettable memories.  

“One time I went over to her house, and she was cleaning her room, and Karlyn is kind of a messy person. I was kind of helping her clean her room and she put on her glasses, while she sat on the floor, and she pulled out a random thing a cat food that she found under her bed. I remember sitting there like a grandma reading the cat label,” explained Tegan Sauer (12).  

Karlyn has made many memories in and outside of the CHS hallways, with many of her friends, teammates, teachers and siblings. “My favorite memory with Karlyn is definitely when we chased our old[er] sister around with a rabbit foot,” explained Karlyn’s younger sister Kat Kocher (10).  

Kocher is amazing at many things and unique in many ways. Karlyn’s personality and the way she does certain every-day activities are extremely noticeable because of how unique they can be.  Kat Kotcher explained one unique attribute of Karlyn’s: “Her sneeze. If you have been around Karlyn, you know that when she sneezes, she resembles Donald Duck, and it makes everyone laugh.” 

“What doesn’t make Karlyn unique? She is unique because she will say exactly what’s on her mind, whenever it comes to her probably without thinking about it. We love her honesty, we love her for being open, we love her for being goofy. Just being herself,” said Tegan Sauer.  


Another thing that makes her unique is “her smile,” claimed Mya Herrera. More than her looks and funny sneeze her personality is what makes her the most unique.  

“What doesn’t make Karlyn unique? She is unique because she will say exactly what’s on her mind, whenever it comes to her probably without thinking about it. We love her honesty, we love her for being open, we love her for being goofy. Just being herself,” said Tegan Sauer.  

Now that Karlyn is ready to turn the page to a new chapter of her life, everyone at Cascade can’t wait to see what her future holds. “I plan on attending Wenatchee Valley College to get my AA, then I plan on transferring to WSU to enroll in their agriculture program,” explained Karlyn Kocher. Even though Karlyn has a long future ahead of herself she won’t forget the friendships, sports, and memories she’s made along the way. “I’m going to miss playing sports, wrestling and softball the most,” claims Karlyn Kocher. The time is ticking on what Karlyn has left of high school, for a lot of us she will be missed while she is off creating a new life and succeeding in what she does. CHS hallways are going to feel a little emptier, the wrestling mats will feature a few less smiles, and the softball field is going to sound quieter after Karlyn walks across the stage.

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