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  • Mylee Hobbs

Student in the Spotlight: Natalie Sanchez

Courtesy of Parsons Photography

Natalie Sanchez (12) is a dedicated student who has been involved in many aspects of student life during her four years at Cascade High School. All four years she has been a varsity athlete whether it was cheer, basketball, and/or softball. For three years, she has been the captain of the cheer and basketball team. In addition to all of this, Natalie has worked very hard inside and outside of school.  In addition, she has completed many college-in-the-high-school courses which has helped her to prepare for college.  


Not only does Natalie play sports and work hard in school, she is also the senior class president.  Natalie has been very important to the senior class with how dedicated she is to make the senior class trip the best it can be for her and her fellow classmates. “I wanted to be the change that happened, I wanted to at least try; so, I ran for senior class president,” stated Natalie Sanchez (12). Her great ideas, devoted commitment, and easy access for communication has all helped her to impact her classmates. “Natalie comes up with some cool, creative ideas and she is very professional and efficient in the work she does. She has been very instrumental in fundraising ideas for the senior class. All the fun fundraisers we did came from Natalie. She was also our number one person to be in contact with Silverwood and get tickets and things like that for the senior class for their trip to Silverwood,” said senior class advisor Ms. Robison.  


With Natalie being so involved throughout her high school years, she has been able to make close friends and relationships. Sanchez may have many friends and strong connections with teachers, but her true best friend is Angela Gunter (12). “[I have known Natalie] since middle school. We became best friends in sophomore year, when we had a class together. I think I have seen her be very social with people; she makes friends easily. I like that about her. She is always nice to people. I think my favorite quality of hers is that she’s very outgoing and kind. I'm excited to see her do big thing,” said Natalie Sanchez’s best friend, Angela Gunter (12). Natalie’s ability to make friends quickly has helped her a lot through high school. Making these new connections can help during sports with teammates and coaches, in school with teachers and friends and so much more.  


After high school, Natalie plans to attend Gonzaga University in the fall, where she will study law. 

After high school, Natalie plans to attend Gonzaga University in the fall, where she will study law. With Natalie graduating, her charming personality, hard work ethic and her commitment on the court and field will be missed at CHS. Although many of her close friends are graduating with her, there are a lot of underclassmen who Natalie has impacted; they will truly miss her when she walks across the stage. “She’s impacted me, because in basketball she was a good leader and was very helpful in the basketball season,” claimed Audrey Slatta (9). Natalie has shown so much growth, compassion and leadership throughout her four years at Cascade. CHS will feel the absence of Natalie when she is off to college, but we all hope to see her succeed in everything life throws at her along this new journey.  

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