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  • Writer's pictureAlaina Wall

Student in the Spotlight: Sasha Morgan

Updated: May 9, 2023

Senior Sasha Morgan is a bright Cascade High School student who inspires people around her by everything she does. She puts a smile on the faces of the people she most cares for and uses her communication to help those who might not understand. Everyone can be depend on her when they most needed it.

One of her teachers is Ms. Brixey. Brixey has great respect for who Sasha is as a person. She said, “Sasha is great at using text and source material to learn. She is a respectful, good listener, but what is notable is that she uses the richness of the assigned material to add to every activity and discussion. You can always count on Sasha to bring new, deeper insight to a discussion.” Senior Owen Skylstad described Sasha as being “a hurricane with an itinerary. She's unique, ambitious, and always seems to see how much "crazy" she can fit into her life while keeping one foot in front of the other, with a poise and confidence that kind of freaks me out.”

Another teacher, Mrs. Renner-Singer also commented: “As a student in my classroom, Sasha is a force of positive energy, unafraid to dig deep into difficult concepts and content. She comes to class every day with interesting questions and insight, repeatedly showing her interest in learning beyond the expectations of the course.” Sasha is well-known for her positive thinking and motivation to move forward towards goals she has set for herself. Ms. Robison, the Publications and Leadership advisor said, “She has a smile on her face and a willing attitude every day. She not only gets work done efficiently but looks - on her own- for what to do next to be helpful and makes it happen.” Sasha is known for getting things done, being on time and being reliable.

Sasha is a proud member of the Publication team who works hard at her job and communicates well with her other workers. Ms. Robison, stated, “A word I would use to describe Sasha is determined. When Sasha sets her mind to get something done, she does it. She is dependable and smart - a hard worker. She is a huge asset to the Publications and Leadership teams. The skills she is developing in these roles, combined with her natural talents are certain to ensure that she has great success in life.” Senior Jerome Jerome, one of the Publication editors, mentioned how he met Sasha for the first time: “I met Sasha in the sixth grade and we had some classes together. We always got along together and we are similar to each other.”

Horseback riding is a hobby and sport that Sasha is passionate about; she has been a member of the equestrian team since her freshman year. Mickey Lane, the equestrian advisor, was able to see Sasha’s development as a rider through the four years she has spent with Sasha and her horse. She said, “Sasha is an excellent student because she can work in a group, help motivate others, and is committed to her growth and success. She also dares to try new things where it might be uncomfortable in the beginning but is patient with the process of learning. Making mistakes is the only way we can learn as human beings and Sasha has the tenacity to stare down failure which is a great skill.” She is an outstanding, helpful student to be with; never lets others down. Mikey Lane also described Sasha’s usual daily life with hobbies, studies, and other commitments: “The United States Pony Club and 4H were a big part of her life. She has also been a member of the high school equestrian team since her freshman year. As a senior, she is the current team president and runs our meetings like she has been doing for years. She puts hours into her craft and also finds time to mentor younger riders along the way. When Sasha isn’t studying or riding her horse, she also finds time to volunteer the North Central Regional Libraries and the local thrift store called Mend. Sasha is busy and when she isn't riding, working, and studying.... hopefully she is sleeping!”

Through these experiences, Sasha has overcome the struggles of high school and is now entering college into an unknown future. Mrs. Renner-Singer describes how Sasha treats her classmates and said, “Sasha cares about the success of others, not just her success. She listens to what others have to say and always asks questions to make sure she understands. Her positive energy makes others feel comfortable and at ease.” Being one of her classmates, Jerome Jerome also said, “Sasha always been there, she’s a kind-hearted person that you can always rely on.” When Mikey Lane was asked why she admired Sasha, she answered, “What I admire most about Sasha is her ability to communicate with anyone. She can have conversations with any adult, the courage to question what she may not understand, and then apply that information when it is necessary.”

Many people’s lives have been touched by Sasha, either by being her teacher/advisor, friends, or even acquaintances, they all have great stories and words about her. After high school, she will be attending Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington, where she will enter as an undecided freshman. Her passion and dedication is inspirational.

What’s your favorite memory about Sasha? Leave a comment below.

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